
In Writing for Social Science, as a class I was able to learn how to observe and explore and examine subcultures that we are a part of through research and observation, confronting the challenges of writing about culture. In and outside of the class, you’ll learn how to research and to write in the social sciences by fieldwork. We get to choose your own research site, you will interact with others through interviews and then to reflect on our work. By creating a portfolio with a selection of your writing done for class, you will be able to see your progress as a writer over the course of the semester. Now the final self-assessment essay will give us a chance to evaluate and notice the growth in this course. I definitely have grown or learned how fieldworking functions and how it is formatted. Since the start I was hoping for much. Where in the beginning I was new to writing and how the class works and now I can expect that as a class even the most unseemingly thing we do as class has a purpose later on. I have changed a bit from the beginning of this course to now. 

 Throughout the journey of fieldworking I am progressively getting better and more comfortable. It is slowly growing on me. At the start of being introduced to fieldworking, I thought this class would be about working outside or studying about our environment. But then I learned fieldworking was more about observing and digging into a subculture or any culture that one might be interested in or is learning about. And as an introvert I was definitely not ready for having to do interviews or rather have to interact with people. As the end is near I am slowly opening up asking questions to others. I am for sure not fully there yet but I am doing my best. Before my anxiety would get the best of ( and it still does, just not that much compared to now), which is the reason for me not liking to talk to new people or doing anything speech related or conversations. And that I wasn’t going to be talking a lot and especially not speaking to someone out of class/institution. And now I am slowly breaking that shell where I would ask peers or the group chat about any help or question I have and I would also go talk to my professor about it too. At the beginning of the semester, we had an activity called Peer Profile. Peer profile is where the professor would assign us a partner and had to interview or get to know each other. I would say this stressed me out because I was nervous and didn’t want to talk to anybody. And I can tell that my partner didn’t want to do it either based on his vibe and he didn’t say anything first. And when someone doesn’t talk, I suddenly have to be the extrovert and start the conversation. Practically, we are strangers to each other and then having to explain oneself about ourselves was hard because I was just blank out and didn’t know what to say. Off by a rocky start, I was able to ask some questions that maybe would spark his interest such as what hobbies he had, his background and his favorite foods. And then our conversation started flowing a bit but definitely not fully comfortable with each other. Then I got the chance to observe and write down fieldnotes for one of my last semester classes, and it wasn’t too bad because I knew the professor and I was comfortable with her. Later on the difficulty levels rose when I had to interview someone outside the school. Where I would have to go and research on my own about something I was interested in, learning about the history and mission of the site I am doing. Interviewing and writing down the field notes for it.

My CCNY experience with fieldworking is a rough start because it was something new and different from what I have done before. Having to write down our observations and reactions towards the action we mention, interview our peers and visit sites. It helps with the writing process to create a more storytelling way and getting to get a more understanding of a culture/people.With the tools and materials we gain in class such as reading “fieldworking” we are able to see examples of it and how to approach and use it in our writings. I am still struggle with being able to focus on something specific or have a more clear focus on such as using an object and see how it relates to the subculture and having to work on being understandable for my audience, because sometimes there are going to be a few words or phrases that the reader not easily understand or means at first, so being able to explain to them a certain definition or the context of it. For example, a resource from the book “Fieldworking” , the story called “An Ethnographic study: Friday Night at Iowa 80” (pp 23-27) was about Rick Zollo who wrote about this truck stop called Iowa 80 and the culture surrounding it or how it is called trucking culture. Firstly, he is someone who isn’t a part of the culture he is writing about. Meaning he had to find data, research the history of this place, interview the people who are considered a part of the trucking culture and how to write in a specific manner in order for his audience to understand. Before I just wrote about my reactions and observations I made but didn’t put the thought about my audience or how I would write it. Now, I would research a bit of context about the site or the person I am working with and figure out what words that associate with the community and not with my audience to make it easier to understand and enjoy. It is something that I am continuing to work on but getting better at thinking about my audience. 

Another improvement I noticed about myself was my writing or thought process of writing. What I mean by that is how my writing has changed or the way I would start off my writing. For instance, my free writing allows me to become a better writer and thinker. Before around the beginning around January to march in my free writes I would write down my thoughts and complains around an event that took place recently because number 1 It was easier for me to remember but also something memorable to write about. And I didn’t care about what or how I should write. I would write down anything I thought I would have a lot to say about. Such as, my experience with MTA where I would arrive late because of delays or slow times because there is always something wrong, special events such as my birthday, concert I went too, the weather like the snow and the pollen attacking me, and of course the amount of work for my classes and having scheduling issues. And this time I was writing it down on paper which made it easier for me to jot it down. In comparison to where I recently got a laptop, I am getting used to it. So the transformation from paper to technology also had an effect on me, because now I would blank out on what to write and it is more of a distraction to not only but to others. And I met some of the criteria of the course learning outcomes like the practice use of library resources, online databases, websites, and the internet to help with my writing where I felt I met this because I was able to learn how to successfully use technology and find research and gain information about my site and the subculture I want to write learn about and develop and engage in collaborative and social aspects of the writing process where I felt I have much changed in because I was able to develop my writing style by reading and taking what I thought was easier or helpful in my writing. 

In writing the essays and in the freewriting I have to say I have learned to value and take the opportunities and resources given to me. What I mean by that is that this class allows the students and myself to learn how to fieldworking for beginners like me. In class we are able to ask our professor for any help we need in issues such as our writing or having to do for our observations and interviews. Another resource I value is when we partner up or group work because I am able to receive and give feedback. This allows me to fix any mistake I have or see what else I can do for my writing or for my observations/interviews. I can get ideas on what to work on and see what I am good at. Seeing other works allows me to see how I can improve myself. In compared to before I would get my work done just to finish and accomplish what my professor wants but I start to notice that I would need to take time to put more effort into my writings and more into making something that I would be proud of and have a better reward at the end because I can say that I did that. After this self reflection and evaluation I notice myself improving and learning how to become a better writer but also knowing more about myself and what I am comfortable with and my writing style. This course gave me the chance to open a new side of writing.